100 g = 2,15 €
For length restoration.Hair restoration growth renewal system.Vitamin-based hair restoration.Hair loss prevention and protection.Helps hair grow faster, fuller and thicker than ever before.
Length Recover Hair Lotion provides maximum hair moisturizing and heat protection, while helping to strengthen and thicken the hair shaft and boost healthy sheen.Regular Use Helps:
Re-energize the hair root. Restore scalp moisture balance.Strengthen the hair shaft. Renew delivery of vital nutrients to hair follicle.Light, creamy, silky lotion dramatically strengthens hair, thickens and moisturizes root to enhance natural hair growth. Recommended for all hairstyles.Helps prevent and correct hair loss even while wearing hair weaves, extensions, braids and wigs.
Contains the maximum recommended level of vitamin-based stimulants that helps protect against pore clogging build-up, long-term hair stresses, chemical and heat damage.
Targets Main Causes of Thinning & Hair Loss:Hair shaft thinning. Shrinking weak root. Sluggish growth. Poor circulation.Best Usage Recommendations. Apply a small amount to hands, rub hands together and massage through hair. Apply to dry or wet hair. Excellent before blow-drying or hot curling. For extremely dry, brittle hair apply a generous amount to strengthen, Moisturize and thicken hair shaft. Excellent for use when wearing hair weaves, extensions, braids or wigs. Wait 48 hours before or after a relaxer or hair color treatment before applying this product.
Shampoo um Schutz vor Haarbruch und zum beseitigen von Schuppen und Juckreiz auf der Kopfhaut.
Warnhinweise: Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Nur zur äußeren Anwendung. Kontakt mit den Augen vermeiden. Sofort Augen spülen, falls das Erzeugnis mit den Augen in Berührung gekommen ist. Nicht anwenden bei Hautirritationen. Achtung, entzündlich. Nicht in Anwesenheit von Zündquellen (offene Flammen, brennende Zigaretten, Haarfön u. a.) anwenden.
Profectiv Clean N Healthy helps stop breakage, dryness & itching before it starts by penetrating and re-moisturizing deep inside hair & scalp. Claean N' Healthy gently lifts gel, wax and oil build-up without stripping hair & scalp of natural nutrients and mositure. Regular use of Clean N Healthy infuses Pro-Strength Conditioners to dramatically reduce dryness, itching, tangles and breakage.
Profectiv® 106 Clean N Health® Anti-Breakage Anti-Itch Cleanser 6,25 oz. Profectiv Clean N sain aide à prévenir la rupture, de la sécheresse et des démangeaisons avant qu'il ne commence par pénétrer et ré-hydrater profondément à l'intérieur des cheveux et le cuir chevelu. Claean N 'santé soulève doucement gel, cire et l'huile de build-up sans enlever les cheveux et le cuir chevelu de nutriments naturels et mositure. L'utilisation régulière de Clean N saine infuse Climatiseurs Pro-Force pour réduire considérablement la sécheresse, les démangeaisons, les enchevêtrements et les bris.