groganics mit dem neuen DHT Blocker System. Es gibt drei Serien von groganics. Einmal für das Haarwachstum (Growth), zum anderen für Volumen (Volumizing) und Tabletten für Vitamine (Vitamins). Anschauliche Informationen finden Sie auf der Seite von groganics und beim Hersteller Prefessional Products Unlimited.
Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is a natural but powerful metabolite of the human body and the main cause of hair loss in both men and women. It’s a chemical derivative of testosterone, created when the metabolism of androgen gets involved with an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase.
Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is a male sex hormone responsible for the development of primary male sex characteristics. This androgen is also linked to the masculinization of boys during puberty, stimulating a deepening of the voice, development of muscles and the growth of facial and body hair. Later in life, DHT can greatly affect the entire process of hair growth, leading to both male and female pattern baldness.
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