Nyxon Bump Control 75 ml

Artikel-Nr.: 14-02-093-001-02-0075

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8,50 / Flasche(n)

Preis inkl. MwSt. zzgl.Versand

100 ml = 11,33 €
100 ml = 11,33 €

Bump Control ist ein besonderes Produkt für dunkelhäutige Männer. Durch Bump Control werden nicht nur Pickel die durch rasieren entstehen bekämpft, es verhindert auch das einwachsen von Haaren. Es verhindert das unliebsame brennen auf der Haut durch rasieren und verhindert das Bilden von Bakterien. Ausserderm wird ihre Haut weich und geschmeidig. Bump Control von Nyxon ist für Frauen ebenfalls geeignet. Bump Control kann auf Gesicht, Nacken und Hals aufgetragen werden. Bei Frauen entstehen die Hautentzündungen eher an den Beinen und in der Achselhöhle.

For million of black men there is no such thing as a smooth, clean shave. They develop razor bumps on their face that itch and burn and make shaving painful. They also develop ingrown hairs on their face, neck, and back of the head, that irritate and sometimes look awful. Now new Bump Control offers relief from pseudofollicullitis, known as razor bump, and other forms of skin eruptions. Bump Control intensive treatment applied daily, treats and prevents razor bumps and irritation caused by shaving and ingrown hair. it'd spezial formula kills bacteria and help to heal improve the condition of the skin. Bump Control can also be used as part of women's beauty regime. Bump Control can be used on Pimples, Razor Bumps, Ingrown hair, Razor burns, Cold sores and skin redness. Nyxon Bump Control For normal and sensitive skin types, for use by men and women. Nyxon bump control is made with aloe vera and tea tree oil, this solution targets stubborn razor bump and minor irritation in a soft and caring way. The tea tree helps to fight and control bacteria while the aloe vera helps to soothe inflamed skin. Bump Control not only treats the condition it also prevents reoccurrence.

Weitere Produktinformationen




Bump Control

Preis 8,50 €
Inhaltsstoffe, Bestandteile/Details of ingredients, components/ Détails de ingrédients, composants Isopropyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Acetylsalicylic Acid, Glycerine, Aloa Vera, Tea Tree Oil, Polyquaternium-6, Aqua (Water).
Inhalt - Menge 75 ml/ 2,64 oz

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